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Pink Batts – Thermal and Acoustic Insulation

Thermal and acoustic sounds insulation come in different forms and sizes and one of the best known of these is Pink Batts. Pink house insulation is produced by Tasman Insulation New Zealand Limited who have manufacturing facilities in Christchurch. Pink Batts are easily recognised by the bright pink colour of the bags. The insulation batts themselves are also dyed a soft pink, a familiar sight on building sites all over New Zealand.

Pink Batts Ceiling Insulation

Pink batts ceiling insulation comes in three different r-values: R2.2, R3.2 and R3.6. An R3.2 is typically sufficient for most areas of New Zealand. Customers looking for an even higher range than is available have the option of installing a double layer. Of course, ceiling insulation isn’t only used to keep out the cold, it is also very effective in blocking the transfer of heat during hot days and as such very effective at reducing energy costs in homes. The bags themselves are similarly sized, but the Pink Batts coverage in the bags decreases with the higher r-values. These batts are, of course, necessarily thicker in order to increase their performance. At the lower end the R2.2 has 12 square metres in the bag compared to the R3.2 which only has a 7 square metre coverage in each bag of insulation.

Pink Batts Wall Insulation

Wall insulation is made from the same material as ceiling insulation. Pink fiberglass insulation is a glass wool product, which is predominately made from recycled glass along with a small amount of other ingredients. The standard R-value range of the Pink Batts wall insulation goes from R1.5 up to R2, which is 90mm thick. An R2 wall batt is considered sufficient in most climate zones in New Zealand. With the continuing rise of energy costs across the country, however, more and more home owners are leaning towards installing even higher r values in the walls to ensure optimal energy efficiency for the life of the home.

Acoustic Sound Insulation

Pink Batts Silencer internal wall insulation is a lightweight glasswool insulation designed for internal walls. These high-density 560mm segments come in R1.9 and R2.4, and fit comfortably into standard wall cavities of New Zealand homes. Acoustic sound insulation such as Pink Batts Silencer serves a dual purpose. In addition to being very effective at blocking the transfer of unwanted sound between rooms they also have thermal benefits.

Conserving Energy with Climate Zones

High density acoustic insulation may be a suitable option for home owners looking to divide their house into climate zones, where heating and cooling is targeted at different rooms of the house. It may be desirable, for example to heat the living areas during the evening, without over heating the bedrooms. Installing a sophisticated heating system may not be particularly effective if the lack of insulation between rooms allows unwanted transfer of heat. So, from a comfort and privacy point of view and with increasing energy costs, Pink Batts Silencer is likely to increase in popularity. All Pink insulation comes with a life time guarantee.

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